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485010070 NANO4-WOOD 100 ml

485010070 NANO4-WOOD 100 ml

7,77 €Preis
Nano4-Wood® is a water based Nanotechnology product and it is completely environmentally friendly . After applying the product and upon completion of the curing process (24 hours), a thin layer of SiO2 (silicon Dioxide) seals the protected area. Nano4-Wood® create an invisible protection against any dirt particles and from sunlight, moisture, moss, grasses, etc. Nano4-Wood® also increases the durability of the wooden surfaces applied with Nano4-Wood®. Once applied, Nano4- Wood® creates an invisible layer that prevents moisture to enter the surface, offering great resistance to chemical stress. Nano4- Wood® does not contain silicone or other harmful or toxic chemicals.      Nano4-Wood® does not change the look, feel or breathability of the surface.
  • Οrders larger than 4 liters

    If you are interested to order containers holding more than 4 Liters , please contact as at internationalsales(at)

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